Student Organizations

Delta State University has over 50 registered Student Organizations; there is something for everyone here at DSU! Student Organizations cover a wide range of topics and interest areas, including but not limited to: academic, political, racial/ethnic, religious, social fraternities and sororities, sports and leisure, and honor societies.

The Office of Student Life recognizes these organizations with the University through an annual registration process, starting August 1st. Once registered, organizations can plan and sponsor activities on campus, apply for funding, and participate in events. Learn more about the organizations by clicking an organizations’ link below.

Review the Student Organization Handbook (003) for guidelines or start your own!
Download the Robert’s Rules of Order – Cheat Sheet to help guide your meetings.
Complete the Campus Reservations form to host your event.
Contact the Union & Student Programming Manager to update your organization information.

List of Student Organizations


Active Minds– Active Minds is established for the expressed purpose of increasing awareness of the students, faculty, and staff about the following:
Issues surrounding mental health. Symptoms related to mental health disorders. Mental health resources that are available both on campus and in the surrounding community. Reducing stigma surrounding mental health disorders so that students will feel more comfortable openly discussing mental health-related issues and seeking help when it is needed. Supporting peers to find the skills and resources they need to increase healthy coping techniques that promote personal wellness
Providing a forum and building an open environment for all students to speak up about mental health
*Active Minds does not provide counseling or any form of clinical mental health care, and an Active Minds chapter is therefore not, nor will ever form, a peer counseling or support group.

Instagram: @activemindsdsu  Advisor:

African American Student Council – The purpose of this organization is to provide an atmosphere whereby students will be able to engage in social activities that are designed to increase their knowledge about the community & its culture. African-American Student Council of Delta State University’s mission is to offer minority students at DSU an organization whose impetus is to enhance Black cultural awareness and foster social cohesiveness.


Campus Activities Board – The purpose of this organization is to provide campus entertainment & opportunities for student involvement in programming.


Delta Diplomats – A select group of student recruiters who assist the university with the recruiting of prospective students and serve as leaders for the university’s new student orientation.

Instagram: @dsudiplomats Advisor:

Delta StatementThe Delta Statement is a student-run and student-edited newspaper at Delta State University. It serves the student readership by reporting on news involving the campus and surrounding community. Previously The Delta Statement was published every Thursday during the fall and spring semesters and distributed free of charge, campus wide. Now, you can access The Delta Statement right from your smartphone – visit to view it online!

Instagram: @thedeltastatement  Advisor:

Diamond Girls – Diamond Girls are an integral part of the Delta State University Baseball team. This group of young women assist with gate commissions, retrieve foul balls, return bats for both home and visiting teams, supply umpires with baseballs, and assist in numerous other tasks that help the home games run smoothly. Girls are also assigned a ‘bat buddy’ from the Baseball team and are to support their buddy throughout the season with gifts and encouragement.

Instagram: @dsudiamondgirls  Advisor: Scottie Batts

Delta State Gamers Club (DSGC) – The DSGC is a free, come-as-you-are organization that accepts all gamers. We accept Students, Faculty, Alumni, and Family into our group, and proudly represent all forms of gaming, including video games, board and card games, and tabletop RPGs. We strive to create a welcoming space for anyone searching for a place of belonging and relaxation. Those who do not actively play games are also welcome to observe and relax while hanging out with friends.


Delta State Pride Alliance– The purpose of Delta State Pride Alliance is to promote a safe and accepting environment for all students who fall within the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. The focus of this endeavor is to break down social barriers to promote social progress as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community.


Delta State University Precision Flight Team – The purpose of this organization is to help promote fellowship & friendship among Delta State University students, faculty & staff involved in Aviation & to provide fund raising & social events.


DSU Art Club– DSU Art Club will be focused around the creation of Animations, as well as the different processes that go into that creation. We will be critiquing and viewing different types of Animation from both tv and feature(movie) from an artistic perspective, and hosting/participating in art challenges such as character design challenges, and themed Animation challenges.  We also host weekly live figure drawing sessions on Fridays, as well as movie nights and animation nights where we watch animated shows, make fan art, and critique episodes.


DSU Tea Club – The Delta State University Tea Club is a social club that aims to provide members a safe and relaxing community to spend time with. They do weekly meetings, fundraisers for charity, and activities throughout the year.


Fashion Board – The Delta State University Fashion Board was created to bring a sense of community for students who are fashion lovers and are interested in the fashion and entertainment industries. We offer opportunities in modeling, hair and makeup, styling, graphic design, videography, and photography. DSU Fashion Board is open to students of all majors and we participate in fashion shows, special events, trips, and seminars. Tryouts for new members are held annually.

Instagram: @DSUFashionBoard  Advisor:

International Student Association – An organization dedicated to strengthening international relations through cultural, social, educational & professional activities.

Instagram: @dsuinternationalassociation or @thefightingokragoesglobal Advisor:

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)– The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination.

Branch Director Symone Kimble-

National Society Of Leadership & Success– Our guiding question is: “Are we helping the greatest number of people in the greatest possible way?” For more than 20 years, we have built and developed a robust community of goal-oriented leaders making positive change across the country, working together to build a better world for all.


Pageant Board – The purpose of this organization is to plan & produce the Delta State University Most Beautiful Pageant & the Miss Delta State University Competition.

Instagram: @MissDeltaStateUniversityMS Advisor

Student Alumni Association– The purpose of the Student Alumni Association is to educate current students on the Alumni Association by way of networking opportunities and educational experiences with the help of the Delta State University Alumni Association. All activities of this organization must be directed toward this purpose.

Instagram: @dsu_saa Advisor:

Students for Life @ DSU– Our primary purpose at Students for Life@DSU is to advocate for human life-affirming initiatives. This organization works to give a voice to those whose lives are threatened. Whether by induced abortion, euthanasia, or the destruction of human embryos for research, we value all human life from conception until natural death. In furtherance of these goals, Students for Life@DSU seeks to educate its members, community, and partners about the value of life. We do this through event programming and promoting respect for human life at all stages on Delta State University’s campus and at a local, state, and national levels.


Student Government Association– The Student Government Association, commonly referred to as “SGA,” serves to promote unity and welfare of the entire student body, provide a high standard of responsibility in the interests of our student life, and to ensure goodwill among students, faculty, staff, and administration. All students enrolled at Delta State University automatically become members of the Student Government Association. The association functions through three branches: executive, judicial, and legislative. Its purpose is to deal effectively with all matters of student affairs, to organize the student body in order that it may work collectively toward the betterment of the university, and to uphold the best traditions at Delta State.

Instagram @deltastatesga Advisor:


Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the campus governing body for the DSU fraternities affiliated nationally with the National Interfraternity Council.

  • Kappa Alpha
  • Kappa Sigma
  • Pi Kappa Alpha
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon

College Panhellenic Council (CPH) is composed of Greek women interested in strengthening the bonds among the sororities. Its purposes are to maintain a high standard of sorority life and interfraternity relationships within the university, to further intellectual accomplishment and sound scholarship, and to cooperate with the college administration in the maintenance of high social standards.

  • Delta Delta Delta
  • Kappa Delta
  • Phi Mu

National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. (NPHC) is an umbrella organization for seven historically black, international Greek letter Fraternities and Sororities. The council promotes interaction through forums, meetings and other mediums for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives through various activities and functions.

Fraternity Chapters

  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Sorority Chapters

  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
  • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Associated Greek Body – The AGB mission is to collaborate with all governing Greek Council and their membership to explore and engage is multicultural awareness and educational programming for all social Greek members.

Previous DSU social organizations included:

  • Alpha Tau Omega (IFC)
  • Delta Sigma Lambda (Nationally unaffiliated)
  • Phi Kappa Tau (Nationally unaffiliated)
  • Zeta Tau Alpha (NPC)


Accounting Honor Society – The Delta State University Accounting Honor Society exists to honor the few Accountancy students each year who meet rigorous academic standards, as well as demonstrate excellence in four other areas. Its sole activity is an annual induction ceremony each spring, at which inductees have their names publicly announced, pledge to uphold the integrity of the Accounting profession, receive a membership certificate and honor cords to be worn at commencement, and are celebrated with a buffet reception that follows the ceremony.

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